Keratin straightening: pros and cons
A perfect smooth with keratin straightening Keratin straightening is one of the most popular options for smooth, manageable hair, especially if you want to reduce […]
A perfect smooth with keratin straightening Keratin straightening is one of the most popular options for smooth, manageable hair, especially if you want to reduce […]
Curly hair has a natural appearance, with a bohemian air and a rebellious look. To take care of it, you have to create a personal routine with specific products […]
Aiuta a stendere il make up in modo uniforme, senza sporcare le mani e in commercio esistono diverse tipologie: sono le spugnette da trucco e […]
For my last trip, I decided to try several Clinique products that I have been planning to test for a long time. In fact, I decided it after […]
Las cerebritis como Kim Kardashian y Jennifer López, fueron las pioneras del contouring. Esta técnica de maquillaje consiste en perfilar el rostro y resaltar aquellos rasgos que favorecen […]
This is the first electric facial cleansing brush I own, and I’ll explain why I haven’t tried it before, after years of being popular. I have […]
Gern gesehen ist ein Doppelkinn nie. Übriges und erschlafftes Gewebe sorgt meist dafür, dass sich eine Hautfalte bildet, die dem Gesicht und dem Kiefer die […]
Aburrirse del color de pelo no es nada extraño. Si estás pensando hacer ese cambio radical en el tono de tu cabello, debes tener en cuento algunos […]
Pómulos más altos, adiós papada, reducir arrugas… aunque todo esto te suene posible solo con cirugía, hay una técnica que promete esto y más. ¿Qué […]